The objective of the Center for Interface-Dominated High Performance Materials (Zentrum für Grenzflächendominierte Höchstleistungswerkstoffe, ZGH) at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum is to develop new metallic, semiconducting and dielectric materials through comprehensive understanding and design of material interfaces, and thus to take advantage of new combinations of structural and functional properties.

ZGH research building (Copyrights © RUB, Marquard)
More than 40 million euros have been granted from the Forschungsbauprogramm for the new research building equipped with a set of high-end research equipment for the investigation of surfaces and interfaces of materials. The Joint Science Conference of Germany (Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz, GWK, approved the research building. The new building provides more than 2700 m² office and lab space for 80 researchers, working in collaborative research projects within the ZGH research programme.